
Friday, January 4, 2013

Whew....What a Day!

Well, its been a whirlwind of a Friday let me tell you!  Tons and tons of errands and shopping and I am very happy to say that I.AM.DONE!  :)

Target was by far my most fun errand!  No, I didn't 'shop til I dropped'...I couponed 'til I dropped'.  :)  It was such a great coupon day!

Total BEFORE coupons- $ 113.86  After coupons- $ 35.17!  Yay!

Now, that's how I like to shop!  
I had another wonderful adventure at CVS but put everything away before I remembered to take a pic for you'all.  :(  But, I will tell you that I spent $3.26 and saved $46.84 and got 10.00 bucks back in ECB's.  Really good day for this frugal gal.

I generally need to stay under 75.00 a week for groceries and incidentals....this week I came in at 70.67...which is awesome because I may need that extra 4.00 next week. We are taking dinner to my hubby's mom and dad on Wednesday night.  His mom is having her pacemaker replaced (on Tuesday) and will be out of commission for a few days so I offered to make a big crockpot of Beef Stew and some homemade rolls  for dinner on Wednesday.  They enthusiastically accepted because my father-in-law is NOT Betty Crocker!  :)

Well, it is time for me to gather the laundry and get dinner started.  Have a great weekend!  Mine will be spent organizing and emptying the expansion bedroom so that the "makeover" can begin soon!

Teresa  :)


  1. Inspiring! I would love to be organized enough to coupon. Maybe one day.

  2. Thanks for linking up on "I Choose Joy!!" Sorry it took me so long to stop by! This is a great post. I've been toying with the idea of couponing but I haven't known where to start!
