
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Frugal Accomplishments So Far This Week

It's Tuesday!  Yay!  

Had to give Tuesday a "shout-out"!  I think that, as a rule, Tuesday is an ignored day....dontcha think?!?  Monday is "Ugh, its Monday.... Wednesday is "Over-the-Hump" day.... Thursday is "Yay, tomorrow's Friday" day.... and , Friday is "TGIF"!  And,  Saturday and Sunday are the coveted weekend!  So, as a rule, Tuesday is just "blah" day.  But today I declare it "Yay, it's Tuesday" day!  :)

N-E-way..... I thought I would share a couple of my Frugal accomplishments so far this week.  

I have been shopping for a nightstand for my daughters room.  And, by shopping I mean, hitting up thrift stores looking for something to breathe new life into. :)  Well, I found her....and she is full of life already so there is nothing that I really need to change.

$ 7.50!!!  She has a little mark near the handle on the bottom drawer but, other than that, she is perfect!!  Mission accomplished.

This morning I was going through some of my daughters "too small" clothes to see what I could donate and what will go to the "rag bag".  I found a fleece top that she practically lived in when it fit her.  She wore it until  she could not possibly get into it any longer.  She was sad.  So, I had a "light bulb" moment and decided to make it into a throw pillow for her.

Ohhhh.....I think she is going to be pleasantly surprised when she gets home today!!  :)  I even left the pocket on it so she can stuff whatever she wants in there....I'm thinking it will end up being a home for one of her beloved Beanie Babies.

So, that's what's happening in my neck of the woods so far this week.  What have you'all been up to on these chilly winter days??


  1. Very cute! Our girls love pockets like that...and they have their beanie babies in them too. Thanks for linking up.

    1. Thank You for the compliment! She was just thrilled when she got home...and, as predicted, it became a home for 2 beanie babies! :)

  2. What a great deal on that night stand! I just bought some lights for my daughter's room for $3 at a yard sale, and I strung them up in her room. She loves being in her room now!

    1. I love, love, love garage sales! Unfortunately, October thru April I have to rely on the thrift stores to get my "fix". :) I do love repurposing too!

  3. What a great idea! What a lucky girl to have such a thoughtful Mom like you :) Thanks for sharing this on Wildcrafting Wednesday!

    I would love to have you share this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop today!

    1. Thank you for the invitation! I just linked up! :)

    2. Thank you so much for sharing this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop! I hope to see you again tomorrow! Here's the link:

      Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. The sweatshirt pillow is adorable and I love the pocket!
