
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Gluten intolerant....what?!?!?

Wow,  it feels like it has been forever since I sat down and even thought about blogging.  Where, oh where, did  February go??  I vaguely remember that it was a pretty darn cold but, other than that, it just flew right by me.

So, let me tell you a little about what has been going on.  About 3 weeks ago I found out that I am gluten intolerant.  Now, before I go any further,  the symptoms that I had that led me to get a diagnoses are symptoms that I have had for many years.  Lately though, they have been getting worse and worse.  Bathroom "issues"..bloating, colitis, severe "fluffing" (lol) ,  my gall bladder was hurting pretty much everyday and I was sure that I was developing arthritis in the knuckles in my fingers because they were swelling and were very tender.  So, off to the doc I went.  I won't go through all of the details blow by blow but, suffice it to say,  the conclusion was taking all of the gluten out of my diet.

Oh, to say that I was reluctant would be putting it very mildly.  How could I "suddenly" have a wheat allergy??  I was sure that this was going to be a wrong diagnoses.  But, because I am one who jumps into things head first,  I immediately removed ALL gluten laden products from my diet.  

Within 4 days ....FOUR symptoms were all but cleared up!!  I am soooooooo not kidding!!  Problems that I have dealt with for years....some from my childhood...suddenly gone!   

Oh...this has been a challenge though... I have to be mindful of every.single.thing. that I put in my mouth.  I am slowly getting my family on board.  Unfortunately, this is not just  a change for is also a change for them because I'm not cooking a gluten meal for them and a non gluten meal for me every day.  We are so very much in the beginning stages of a major life change for all of us.  So much research to do and revamping of recipes.  I want to come as close to what they are normally use to eating as I can.  We are also a sugar free family because I also have diabetes (which, by the way, I am finding out could have been caused by the gluten intolerance.)  

Not much more to relate on the subject right now....I am very much just beginning this journey.  I am looking forward to learning much more about this new diagnoses and finding out how it has been affecting me.... maybe since childhood.  Wish me luck!

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