This has been a very unpredictable Summer so far. And, not necessarily in a good way. Several weeks ago I had a scan of my left kidney and found out that I had a HUGE (1.7 cm) kidney stone lodged in it. Doctor said that he had to do Lithotripsy (breaking up of kidney stone using intense sound waves) immediately. So, we were scheduled for 'surgery' the following week. They still call it Surgery because you are 100% under when they do it.
After the Litho....I was VERY sore...inside and out. But, figured that everything would be fine after the bruising healed and all of the tiny pieces of kidney stone had passed.
3 Weeks Later: We are to today.....and I am still having problems :( I had an xray on Friday and found out that the reason that I am STILL in pain is because apparently some of the stones are stuck! Soooo....if this hasn't resolved itsself in the next 10 days (10 DAYS!) I will have to have real surgery to have the fragments removed. To say that I am not exactly thrilled would be an understatement.
I am thankful that there is another way to resolve this....and, the Bible tells us that God will not extend to us more than we are able to bear! I don't know how many of you have ever had Kidney stones but.....the pain rivals having a baby! (NO kidding, folks!) I do not relish having to deal with it for at least another 10 days.........
On a different note....My hubbys side business is taking off! He has a show this weekend and one Scheduled for Sept. 8-9. For those who have NO idea what I am talking about because I have yet to set up my entire blog (LOL).... My Hubs and his brother have an Heirloom ride on toys business. (All handmade by them). Right now the interest lies in the, they are concentrating on selling them at craft shows and Air Shows around our neck of the woods. They do, however, have an etsy store.
They are absolutely Darling ride on toys and alot of Love goes into making each and every one of them!
Yes, they have even made one for US is sitting in their lobby at the branch in our town.
They are adorable heirloom toys and they make them finished (whatever design the customer wants ) or they make them in kits for say ...daddy or mommy and kiddo to assemble together!)
Can you tell that I totally support their endeavor?!? :)
Anyway, Hope you all are having a wonderful Summer !!
Love it! But I can't seem to access the site.